Easy Kart at Ogden Motorsport

2010 was the first year we have built the air cooled Easykart motor. It is an air cooled derivitive of the Formula Blue which we have been succesfully building for many years. Bring your motor to us; you will not be disappointed with the quality of performance and reliability.

Often with motors which are left on the chassis for a long period of time, the engines tend to get somewhat dirty. Ogden Motorsport can make your engine not only perform to the highest standard, but also look the part, using our Caresonic utrasonic cleaner.

We have now adapted our Rotronics Dynomometer to accept the F/blue and Easykart motors, so we can now provide you with accurate information needed regarding you kart racing engine to optimise the maximum performance. Please note that we are not allowed to re-build the Cadet Easy Kart motor.

All parts are fitted in the correct manner as indicated by the official fiche.


Formula Blue at Ogden Motorsport

All parts fitted to our Formula Blue, Lynx and Leopard motors are supplied by Tabor and we rebuild them to the same exacting standards as any other make of motor useing the fiche supplied by Tabor Karting.